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On average a full charge bookkeeper's salary fluctuates between $35,000 to $55,000 per year plus benefits and overhead, depending on your location. According to Indeed, current listings in high cost of living cities like L.A., New York or Chicago show full charge bookkeepers salaries creeping towards $70K. In addition, you’ll need to add around 20% on top of salary to cover benefits and overhead such as office space.
The average flat rate price of outsourcing your bookkeeping needs ranges from $500 to $2,500 a month.
The national average price per hour, according to ThumbTack, is $50 per hour with a range of $30 to $1,200 per hour. Both will depend on the number of transactions and complexity of services required.
A key benefit of Outsourcing is it gives you the ability to customize the services you receive to your bookkeeping needs. Making budgeting easier than ever!
Of course, one of the most significant differences between these solutions is the fees and hourly rates.
So, whether you want a full-service solution, some very simple guidance or anything in between, it all adds up to selecting BOSSED Financial to be your bookkeeper!
Hourly Rate Comparisons
- Deloitte
$300 to $1,200/hour - PwC
$300 to $1,200/hour - Ernst & Young
$300 to $1,200/hour - KPMG
$300 to $1,200/hour - H&R Block
$150 to $350/hour - ATC Tax
$150 to $350/hour - BOSSED Financial
$200/month or $50/hour